I’ve finally completed the Coursera Google Data Analytics Certificate.
I think the course is great for beginners in data analytics. For me it was a great refresher on SQL and R but the other sections were not all that useful. The course did motivate me to learn R (again) and this blog site is probably a result of that.
I think the course could use more on statistical thinking and spending more time on probability since data analysts could really use that in their work. The old adage of “correlation doesn’t mean causation” should also really be driven into every data analyst and I didn’t see much of that in this course.
Overall, the quality of MOOCs have come a long way and it was a great experience going through all eight courses within the Data Analytics Specialization Certificate.
I need refocus on my Python Codecademy course now. I always find that I learn quite a lot going through these courses rather than hacking away at programming.
Here’s a link to the certificate: https://coursera.org/share/9ffa3068635dacaef483096e251bd02d