You’re getting ready to staff the clinic for March this year. You want to know how many visits took place in March last year, to help you prepare.
Write a command that will produce a Series made up of the March data from df from all four clinic sites and save it to the variable march.
#import /;../,codecademylib3
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([
['January', 100, 100, 23, 100],
['February', 51, 45, 145, 45],
['March', 81, 96, 65, 96],
['April', 80, 80, 54, 180],
['May', 51, 54, 54, 154],
['June', 112, 109, 79, 129]],
columns=['month', 'clinic_east',
'clinic_north', 'clinic_south',
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 0 January 100 100 23 100
## 1 February 51 45 145 45
## 2 March 81 96 65 96
## 3 April 80 80 54 180
## 4 May 51 54 54 154
## 5 June 112 109 79 129
# integer location within dataframe
# locations are zero indexed and doesn't include the ending integer
march = df.iloc[2]
## month March
## clinic_east 81
## clinic_north 96
## clinic_south 65
## clinic_west 96
## Name: 2, dtype: object
april_may_june = df.iloc[3:6]
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 3 April 80 80 54 180
## 4 May 51 54 54 154
## 5 June 112 109 79 129
You can select a subset of the a DataFrame by using logical statements and isin method.
january = df[df.month == 'January']
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 0 January 100 100 23 100
march_april = df[(df.month == 'March') | (df.month == 'April')]
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 2 March 81 96 65 96
## 3 April 80 80 54 180
january_february_march = df[df.month.isin(['January', 'February', 'March'])]
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 0 January 100 100 23 100
## 1 February 51 45 145 45
## 2 March 81 96 65 96
Reset indices
df2 = df.loc[[1, 3, 5]]
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 1 February 51 45 145 45
## 3 April 80 80 54 180
## 5 June 112 109 79 129
df3 = df2.reset_index()
## index month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 0 1 February 51 45 145 45
## 1 3 April 80 80 54 180
## 2 5 June 112 109 79 129
df2.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)
## month clinic_east clinic_north clinic_south clinic_west
## 0 February 51 45 145 45
## 1 April 80 80 54 180
## 2 June 112 109 79 129
Adding a column to the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([
[1, '3 inch screw', 0.5, 0.75],
[2, '2 inch nail', 0.10, 0.25],
[3, 'hammer', 3.00, 5.50],
[4, 'screwdriver', 2.50, 3.00]
columns=['Product ID', 'Description', 'Cost to Manufacture', 'Price']
df['Sold in Bulk?'] = ['Yes','Yes','No','No']
df['In Stock?'] = True
df['Margin'] = df.Price - df['Cost to Manufacture']
## Product ID Description ... In Stock? Margin
## 0 1 3 inch screw ... True 0.25
## 1 2 2 inch nail ... True 0.15
## 2 3 hammer ... True 2.50
## 3 4 screwdriver ... True 0.50
## [4 rows x 7 columns]
Applying functions to dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame([
['JOHN SMITH', ''],
['Jane Doe', ''],
['joe schmo', '']
columns=['Name', 'Email'])
df['Lowercase Name'] = df.Name.apply(str.lower)
#prints the python code for the dataframe
## Name Email Lowercase Name
## 0 JOHN SMITH john smith
## 1 Jane Doe jane doe
## 2 joe schmo joe schmo
print(f'df = pd.DataFrame( {str(df.to_dict())} )')
## df = pd.DataFrame( {'Name': {0: 'JOHN SMITH', 1: 'Jane Doe', 2: 'joe schmo'}, 'Email': {0: '', 1: '', 2: ''}, 'Lowercase Name': {0: 'john smith', 1: 'jane doe', 2: 'joe schmo'}} )
Applying lambda functions
mylambda = lambda x: (x[0]+x[-1])
mylambda = lambda x: 'Welcome to BattleCity!' if x >= 13 else 'You must be over 13'
## Welcome to BattleCity!
df = pd.DataFrame( {'id': {0: 10310, 1: 18656, 2: 61254, 3: 16886, 4: 89010, 5: 87246, 6: 20578, 7: 12869, 8: 53461, 9: 14746, 10: 71127, 11: 92522, 12: 22447, 13: 61654, 14: 16988, 15: 68619, 16: 59949, 17: 81418, 18: 27267, 19: 19985}, 'name': {0: 'Lauren Durham', 1: 'Grace Sellers', 2: 'Shirley Rasmussen', 3: 'Brian Rojas', 4: 'Samantha Mosley', 5: 'Louis Guzman', 6: 'Denise Mcclure', 7: 'James Raymond', 8: 'Noah Collier', 9: 'Donna Frederick', 10: 'Shirley Beck', 11: 'Christina Kelly', 12: 'Brian Noble', 13: 'Randy Key', 14: 'Diana Stewart', 15: 'Timothy Sosa', 16: 'Betty Skinner', 17: 'Janet Maxwell', 18: 'Madison Johnston', 19: 'Virginia Nichols'}, 'hourly_wage': {0: 19, 1: 17, 2: 16, 3: 18, 4: 11, 5: 14, 6: 15, 7: 15, 8: 18, 9: 20, 10: 14, 11: 8, 12: 11, 13: 16, 14: 14, 15: 14, 16: 11, 17: 12, 18: 20, 19: 13}, 'hours_worked': {0: 43, 1: 40, 2: 30, 3: 47, 4: 38, 5: 39, 6: 40, 7: 32, 8: 35, 9: 41, 10: 32, 11: 44, 12: 39, 13: 38, 14: 48, 15: 42, 16: 48, 17: 38, 18: 37, 19: 49}, 'total_earned': {0: 845.5, 1: 680.0, 2: 480.0, 3: 909.0, 4: 418.0, 5: 546.0, 6: 600.0, 7: 480.0, 8: 630.0, 9: 830.0, 10: 448.0, 11: 368.0, 12: 429.0, 13: 608.0, 14: 728.0, 15: 602.0, 16: 572.0, 17: 456.0, 18: 740.0, 19: 695.5}} )
get_last_name = lambda x: x.split(' ')[-1]
df['last_name'] =
total_earned = lambda row: (40 * row.hourly_wage) + ((row.hours_worked - 40) * 1.5 * row.hourly_wage) \
if row.hours_worked > 40 \
else (row.hours_worked * row.hourly_wage)
df['total_earned'] = df.apply(total_earned, axis =1)
## id name ... total_earned last_name
## 0 10310 Lauren Durham ... 845.5 Durham
## 1 18656 Grace Sellers ... 680.0 Sellers
## 2 61254 Shirley Rasmussen ... 480.0 Rasmussen
## 3 16886 Brian Rojas ... 909.0 Rojas
## 4 89010 Samantha Mosley ... 418.0 Mosley
## 5 87246 Louis Guzman ... 546.0 Guzman
## 6 20578 Denise Mcclure ... 600.0 Mcclure
## 7 12869 James Raymond ... 480.0 Raymond
## 8 53461 Noah Collier ... 630.0 Collier
## 9 14746 Donna Frederick ... 830.0 Frederick
## 10 71127 Shirley Beck ... 448.0 Beck
## 11 92522 Christina Kelly ... 368.0 Kelly
## 12 22447 Brian Noble ... 429.0 Noble
## 13 61654 Randy Key ... 608.0 Key
## 14 16988 Diana Stewart ... 728.0 Stewart
## 15 68619 Timothy Sosa ... 602.0 Sosa
## 16 59949 Betty Skinner ... 572.0 Skinner
## 17 81418 Janet Maxwell ... 456.0 Maxwell
## 18 27267 Madison Johnston ... 740.0 Johnston
## 19 19985 Virginia Nichols ... 695.5 Nichols
## [20 rows x 6 columns]
Renaming columns
df = pd.DataFrame({
'name': ['John', 'Jane', 'Sue', 'Fred'],
'age': [23, 29, 21, 18]
df.columns = ['First Name', 'Age']
#or this method if you only want to rename one or more columns
'name': 'First Name',
'age': 'Age'},
## First Name Age
## 0 John 23
## 1 Jane 29
## 2 Sue 21
## 3 Fred 18
#command to print dataframe data as a dictionary so I can copy the data from codecademy
#print(f'orders = pd.DataFrame( {str(orders.to_dict())} )')
orders = pd.DataFrame( {'id': {0: 54791, 1: 53450, 2: 91987, 3: 14437, 4: 79357, 5: 52386, 6: 20487, 7: 76971, 8: 21586, 9: 62083, 10: 91629, 11: 98602, 12: 45832, 13: 33862, 14: 73431, 15: 93889, 16: 39888, 17: 35961, 18: 24560, 19: 28559}, 'first_name': {0: 'Rebecca', 1: 'Emily', 2: 'Joyce', 3: 'Justin', 4: 'Andrew', 5: 'Julie', 6: 'Thomas', 7: 'Janice', 8: 'Gabriel', 9: 'Frances', 10: 'Jessica', 11: 'Lawrence', 12: 'Susan', 13: 'Diane', 14: 'Rebecca', 15: 'Jacqueline', 16: 'Vincent', 17: 'Roy', 18: 'Thomas', 19: 'Angela'}, 'last_name': {0: 'Lindsay', 1: 'Joyce', 2: 'Waller', 3: 'Erickson', 4: 'Banks', 5: 'Marsh', 6: 'Jensen', 7: 'Hicks', 8: 'Porter', 9: 'Palmer', 10: 'Hale', 11: 'Parker', 12: 'Dennis', 13: 'Ochoa', 14: 'Charles', 15: 'Crane', 16: 'Stephenson', 17: 'Tillman', 18: 'Roberson', 19: 'Newton'}, 'gender': {0: 'female', 1: 'female', 2: 'female', 3: 'male', 4: 'male', 5: 'female', 6: 'male', 7: 'female', 8: 'male', 9: 'female', 10: 'female', 11: 'male', 12: 'female', 13: 'female', 14: 'female', 15: 'female', 16: 'male', 17: 'male', 18: 'male', 19: 'female'}, 'email': {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: '', 13: '', 14: '', 15: '', 16: '', 17: '', 18: '', 19: ''}, 'shoe_type': {0: 'clogs', 1: 'ballet flats', 2: 'sandles', 3: 'clogs', 4: 'boots', 5: 'sandles', 6: 'clogs', 7: 'clogs', 8: 'clogs', 9: 'wedges', 10: 'clogs', 11: 'wedges', 12: 'ballet flats', 13: 'sandles', 14: 'boots', 15: 'wedges', 16: 'boots', 17: 'boots', 18: 'wedges', 19: 'wedges'}, 'shoe_material': {0: 'faux-leather', 1: 'faux-leather', 2: 'fabric', 3: 'faux-leather', 4: 'leather', 5: 'fabric', 6: 'fabric', 7: 'faux-leather', 8: 'leather', 9: 'leather', 10: 'leather', 11: 'fabric', 12: 'fabric', 13: 'fabric', 14: 'faux-leather', 15: 'fabric', 16: 'leather', 17: 'leather', 18: 'fabric', 19: 'fabric'}, 'shoe_color': {0: 'black', 1: 'navy', 2: 'black', 3: 'red', 4: 'brown', 5: 'black', 6: 'navy', 7: 'navy', 8: 'brown', 9: 'white', 10: 'red', 11: 'brown', 12: 'white', 13: 'red', 14: 'white', 15: 'red', 16: 'black', 17: 'white', 18: 'red', 19: 'red'}} )
'name': 'First Name',
'age': 'Age'},
shoe_source = lambda x: 'animal' if x.shoe_material == 'leather' else 'vegan'
orders['shoe_source'] = orders.apply(shoe_source, axis = 1)
salutation = lambda x: 'Dear Mr. ' + x.last_name if x.gender == 'male' else 'Dear Ms. ' + x.last_name
orders['salutation'] = orders.apply(salutation, axis = 1)
## id first_name last_name ... shoe_color shoe_source salutation
## 0 54791 Rebecca Lindsay ... black vegan Dear Ms. Lindsay
## 1 53450 Emily Joyce ... navy vegan Dear Ms. Joyce
## 2 91987 Joyce Waller ... black vegan Dear Ms. Waller
## 3 14437 Justin Erickson ... red vegan Dear Mr. Erickson
## 4 79357 Andrew Banks ... brown animal Dear Mr. Banks
## 5 52386 Julie Marsh ... black vegan Dear Ms. Marsh
## 6 20487 Thomas Jensen ... navy vegan Dear Mr. Jensen
## 7 76971 Janice Hicks ... navy vegan Dear Ms. Hicks
## 8 21586 Gabriel Porter ... brown animal Dear Mr. Porter
## 9 62083 Frances Palmer ... white animal Dear Ms. Palmer
## 10 91629 Jessica Hale ... red animal Dear Ms. Hale
## 11 98602 Lawrence Parker ... brown vegan Dear Mr. Parker
## 12 45832 Susan Dennis ... white vegan Dear Ms. Dennis
## 13 33862 Diane Ochoa ... red vegan Dear Ms. Ochoa
## 14 73431 Rebecca Charles ... white vegan Dear Ms. Charles
## 15 93889 Jacqueline Crane ... red vegan Dear Ms. Crane
## 16 39888 Vincent Stephenson ... black animal Dear Mr. Stephenson
## 17 35961 Roy Tillman ... white animal Dear Mr. Tillman
## 18 24560 Thomas Roberson ... red vegan Dear Mr. Roberson
## 19 28559 Angela Newton ... red vegan Dear Ms. Newton
## [20 rows x 10 columns]
Pedal Power Inventory
#import codecademylib3
#import pandas as pd
#inventory = pd.read_csv('inventory.csv')
inventory = pd.DataFrame( {'location': {0: 'Staten Island', 1: 'Staten Island', 2: 'Staten Island', 3: 'Staten Island', 4: 'Staten Island', 5: 'Staten Island', 6: 'Staten Island', 7: 'Staten Island', 8: 'Staten Island', 9: 'Staten Island', 10: 'Brooklyn', 11: 'Brooklyn', 12: 'Brooklyn', 13: 'Brooklyn', 14: 'Brooklyn', 15: 'Brooklyn', 16: 'Brooklyn', 17: 'Brooklyn', 18: 'Brooklyn', 19: 'Brooklyn', 20: 'Queens', 21: 'Queens', 22: 'Queens', 23: 'Queens', 24: 'Queens', 25: 'Queens', 26: 'Queens', 27: 'Queens', 28: 'Queens'}, 'product_type': {0: 'seeds', 1: 'seeds', 2: 'seeds', 3: 'garden tools', 4: 'garden tools', 5: 'garden tools', 6: 'pest_control', 7: 'pest_control', 8: 'planter', 9: 'planter', 10: 'seeds', 11: 'seeds', 12: 'seeds', 13: 'garden tools', 14: 'garden tools', 15: 'garden tools', 16: 'pest_control', 17: 'pest_control', 18: 'planter', 19: 'planter', 20: 'seeds', 21: 'seeds', 22: 'seeds', 23: 'garden tools', 24: 'garden tools', 25: 'garden tools', 26: 'pest_control', 27: 'pest_control', 28: 'planter'}, 'product_description': {0: 'daisy', 1: 'calla lily', 2: 'tomato', 3: 'rake', 4: 'wheelbarrow', 5: 'spade', 6: 'insect killer', 7: 'weed killer', 8: '20 inch terracotta planter', 9: '8 inch plastic planter', 10: 'daisy', 11: 'calla lily', 12: 'tomato', 13: 'rake', 14: 'wheelbarrow', 15: 'spade', 16: 'insect killer', 17: 'weed killer', 18: '20 inch terracotta planter', 19: '8 inch plastic planter', 20: 'daisy', 21: 'calla lily', 22: 'tomato', 23: 'rake', 24: 'wheelbarrow', 25: 'spade', 26: 'insect killer', 27: 'weed killer', 28: '20 inch terracotta planter'}, 'quantity': {0: 4, 1: 46, 2: 85, 3: 4, 4: 0, 5: 93, 6: 74, 7: 8, 8: 0, 9: 53, 10: 50, 11: 0, 12: 0, 13: 15, 14: 82, 15: 36, 16: 80, 17: 76, 18: 5, 19: 26, 20: 57, 21: 95, 22: 45, 23: 21, 24: 98, 25: 26, 26: 0, 27: 16, 28: 87}, 'price': {0: 6.99, 1: 19.99, 2: 13.99, 3: 13.99, 4: 89.99, 5: 19.99, 6: 12.99, 7: 23.99, 8: 17.99, 9: 3.99, 10: 6.99, 11: 19.99, 12: 13.99, 13: 13.99, 14: 89.99, 15: 19.99, 16: 12.99, 17: 23.99, 18: 17.99, 19: 3.99, 20: 6.99, 21: 19.99, 22: 13.99, 23: 13.99, 24: 89.99, 25: 19.99, 26: 12.99, 27: 23.99, 28: 17.99}} )
## location product_type product_description quantity price
## 0 Staten Island seeds daisy 4 6.99
## 1 Staten Island seeds calla lily 46 19.99
## 2 Staten Island seeds tomato 85 13.99
## 3 Staten Island garden tools rake 4 13.99
## 4 Staten Island garden tools wheelbarrow 0 89.99
staten_island = inventory[:10]
product_request = staten_island.product_description
seed_request = inventory.loc[(inventory['location'] == 'Brooklyn') & (inventory['product_type'] == 'seeds')]
inventory['in_stock'] = inventory.apply(lambda x: True if x.quantity > 0 else False, axis =1)
inventory['total_value'] = inventory.price * inventory.quantity
combine_lambda = lambda row: \
'{} - {}'.format(row.product_type,
inventory['full_description'] = inventory.apply(combine_lambda, axis = 1)
## location ... full_description
## 0 Staten Island ... seeds - daisy
## 1 Staten Island ... seeds - calla lily
## 2 Staten Island ... seeds - tomato
## 3 Staten Island ... garden tools - rake
## 4 Staten Island ... garden tools - wheelbarrow
## 5 Staten Island ... garden tools - spade
## 6 Staten Island ... pest_control - insect killer
## 7 Staten Island ... pest_control - weed killer
## 8 Staten Island ... planter - 20 inch terracotta planter
## 9 Staten Island ... planter - 8 inch plastic planter
## 10 Brooklyn ... seeds - daisy
## 11 Brooklyn ... seeds - calla lily
## 12 Brooklyn ... seeds - tomato
## 13 Brooklyn ... garden tools - rake
## 14 Brooklyn ... garden tools - wheelbarrow
## 15 Brooklyn ... garden tools - spade
## 16 Brooklyn ... pest_control - insect killer
## 17 Brooklyn ... pest_control - weed killer
## 18 Brooklyn ... planter - 20 inch terracotta planter
## 19 Brooklyn ... planter - 8 inch plastic planter
## 20 Queens ... seeds - daisy
## 21 Queens ... seeds - calla lily
## 22 Queens ... seeds - tomato
## 23 Queens ... garden tools - rake
## 24 Queens ... garden tools - wheelbarrow
## 25 Queens ... garden tools - spade
## 26 Queens ... pest_control - insect killer
## 27 Queens ... pest_control - weed killer
## 28 Queens ... planter - 20 inch terracotta planter
## [29 rows x 8 columns]
Calculating Aggregate Functions
Calculate aggregate statistics (mean, standard deviation, median, percentiles, etc.) over certain subsets of the data.
orders = pd.DataFrame( {'id': {190: 57860, 191: 31063, 192: 18731, 193: 53962, 194: 50212, 195: 74787, 196: 15734, 197: 18956, 198: 55835, 199: 68900}, 'first_name': {190: 'Evelyn', 191: 'Debra', 192: 'Virginia', 193: 'Andrea', 194: 'Brenda', 195: 'James', 196: 'Dylan', 197: 'Tiffany', 198: 'Jeremy', 199: 'Eugene'}, 'last_name': {190: 'Holden', 191: 'Nichols', 192: 'Shepard', 193: 'Trevino', 194: 'Burnett', 195: 'Gill', 196: 'Hurst', 197: 'Stone', 198: 'Randall', 199: 'Kinney'}, 'email': {190: '', 191: '', 192: '', 193: '', 194: '', 195: '', 196: '', 197: '', 198: '', 199: ''}, 'shoe_type': {190: 'ballet flats', 191: 'sandals', 192: 'sandals', 193: 'sandals', 194: 'sandals', 195: 'sandals', 196: 'wedges', 197: 'ballet flats', 198: 'sandals', 199: 'ballet flats'}, 'shoe_material': {190: 'fabric', 191: 'faux-leather', 192: 'fabric', 193: 'fabric', 194: 'fabric', 195: 'fabric', 196: 'leather', 197: 'leather', 198: 'fabric', 199: 'faux-leather'}, 'shoe_color': {190: 'brown', 191: 'navy', 192: 'white', 193: 'navy', 194: 'navy', 195: 'brown', 196: 'brown', 197: 'white', 198: 'brown', 199: 'black'}, 'price': {190: 477, 191: 478, 192: 480, 193: 482, 194: 484, 195: 485, 196: 488, 197: 492, 198: 498, 199: 498}} )
pricey_shoes = orders.groupby('shoe_type').price.max()
## shoe_type
## ballet flats 498
## sandals 498
## wedges 488
## Name: price, dtype: int64
In order to get that, we can use reset_index(). This will transform our Series into a DataFrame and move the indices into their own column.
pricey_shoes = orders.groupby('shoe_type').price.max().reset_index()
## shoe_type price
## 0 ballet flats 498
## 1 sandals 498
## 2 wedges 488
## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
calculate other functions:
import numpy as np
cheap_shoes = orders.groupby('shoe_color').price \
.apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x, 25)) \
## shoe_color price
## 0 black 498.0
## 1 brown 483.0
## 2 navy 480.0
## 3 white 483.0
Group by more than one column
shoe_counts = orders.groupby(['shoe_type','shoe_color']).id.count().reset_index()
## shoe_type shoe_color id
## 0 ballet flats black 1
## 1 ballet flats brown 1
## 2 ballet flats white 1
## 3 sandals brown 2
## 4 sandals navy 3
## 5 sandals white 1
## 6 wedges brown 1
Pivot Tables
df.pivot(columns=‘ColumnToPivot’, index=‘ColumnToBeRows’, values=‘ColumnToBeValues’)
shoe_counts_pivot = shoe_counts.pivot(
columns = 'shoe_color',
index = 'shoe_type' ,
values = 'id').reset_index()
## shoe_color shoe_type black brown navy white
## 0 ballet flats 1.0 1.0 NaN 1.0
## 1 sandals NaN 2.0 3.0 1.0
## 2 wedges NaN 1.0 NaN NaN
user_visits = pd.DataFrame( {'id': {0: 10043, 1: 10150, 2: 10155, 3: 10178, 4: 10208, 5: 10260, 6: 10271, 7: 10278, 8: 10320, 9: 10389, 10: 10432, 11: 10511, 12: 10572, 13: 10672, 14: 10683, 15: 10717, 16: 10763, 17: 10788, 18: 10809, 19: 10845}, 'first_name': {0: 'Louis', 1: 'Bruce', 2: 'Nicholas', 3: 'William', 4: 'Karen', 5: 'Benjamin', 6: 'Gerald', 7: 'Melissa', 8: 'Adam', 9: 'Ethan', 10: 'Charles', 11: 'Scott', 12: 'Samantha', 13: 'Joyce', 14: 'Richard', 15: 'Louis', 16: 'Jesse', 17: 'Donald', 18: 'Olivia', 19: 'Daniel'}, 'last_name': {0: 'Koch', 1: 'Webb', 2: 'Hoffman', 3: 'Key', 4: 'Bass', 5: 'Ochoa', 6: 'Aguilar', 7: 'Lambert', 8: 'Strickland', 9: 'Payne', 10: 'Herrera', 11: 'Hines', 12: 'Townsend', 13: 'Ford', 14: 'Stanley', 15: 'Prince', 16: 'Booker', 17: 'Mcpherson', 18: 'Osborne', 19: 'Haney'}, 'email': {0: '', 1: '', 2: '', 3: '', 4: '', 5: '', 6: '', 7: '', 8: '', 9: '', 10: '', 11: '', 12: '', 13: '', 14: '', 15: '', 16: '', 17: '', 18: '', 19: ''}, 'month': {0: '3 - March', 1: '3 - March', 2: '2 - February', 3: '3 - March', 4: '2 - February', 5: '1 - January', 6: '3 - March', 7: '2 - February', 8: '3 - March', 9: '2 - February', 10: '3 - March', 11: '3 - March', 12: '2 - February', 13: '3 - March', 14: '3 - March', 15: '3 - March', 16: '1 - January', 17: '2 - February', 18: '1 - January', 19: '3 - March'}, 'utm_source': {0: 'yahoo', 1: 'twitter', 2: 'google', 3: 'yahoo', 4: 'google', 5: 'twitter', 6: 'google', 7: 'email', 8: 'email', 9: 'facebook', 10: 'yahoo', 11: 'yahoo', 12: 'google', 13: 'email', 14: 'email', 15: 'yahoo', 16: 'yahoo', 17: 'yahoo', 18: 'facebook', 19: 'yahoo'}} )
## id first_name ... month utm_source
## 0 10043 Louis ... 3 - March yahoo
## 1 10150 Bruce ... 3 - March twitter
## 2 10155 Nicholas ... 2 - February google
## 3 10178 William ... 3 - March yahoo
## 4 10208 Karen ... 2 - February google
## [5 rows x 6 columns]
click_source = user_visits.groupby('utm_source').count().reset_index()
## utm_source id first_name last_name email month
## 0 email 4 4 4 4 4
## 1 facebook 2 2 2 2 2
## 2 google 4 4 4 4 4
## 3 twitter 2 2 2 2 2
## 4 yahoo 8 8 8 8 8
click_source_by_month = user_visits.groupby(['utm_source','month']).count().reset_index()
## utm_source month id first_name last_name email
## 0 email 2 - February 1 1 1 1
## 1 email 3 - March 3 3 3 3
## 2 facebook 1 - January 1 1 1 1
## 3 facebook 2 - February 1 1 1 1
## 4 google 2 - February 3 3 3 3
## 5 google 3 - March 1 1 1 1
## 6 twitter 1 - January 1 1 1 1
## 7 twitter 3 - March 1 1 1 1
## 8 yahoo 1 - January 1 1 1 1
## 9 yahoo 2 - February 1 1 1 1
## 10 yahoo 3 - March 6 6 6 6
click_source_by_month_pivot = click_source_by_month.pivot(
columns = 'month',
index = 'utm_source',
values = 'id').reset_index()
## month utm_source 1 - January 2 - February 3 - March
## 0 email NaN 1.0 3.0
## 1 facebook 1.0 1.0 NaN
## 2 google NaN 3.0 1.0
## 3 twitter 1.0 NaN 1.0
## 4 yahoo 1.0 1.0 6.0
A/B testing in Python
# import codecademylib3
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# ad_clicks = pd.read_csv('ad_clicks.csv')
# ad_clicks = ad_clicks.replace({np.nan: None})
# print(f'ad_clicks = pd.DataFrame( {str(ad_clicks.head(100).to_dict())} )')
Use first 100 rows of data rather than loading codecademylib3
ad_clicks = pd.DataFrame( {'user_id': {0: '008b7c6c-7272-471e-b90e-930d548bd8d7', 1: '009abb94-5e14-4b6c-bb1c-4f4df7aa7557', 2: '00f5d532-ed58-4570-b6d2-768df5f41aed', 3: '011adc64-0f44-4fd9-a0bb-f1506d2ad439', 4: '012137e6-7ae7-4649-af68-205b4702169c', 5: '013b0072-7b72-40e7-b698-98b4d0c9967f', 6: '0153d85b-7660-4c39-92eb-1e1acd023280', 7: '01555297-d6e6-49ae-aeba-1b196fdbb09f', 8: '018cea61-19ea-4119-895b-1a4309ccb148', 9: '01a210c3-fde0-4e6f-8efd-4f0e38730ae6', 10: '01adb2e7-f711-4ae4-a7c6-29f48457eea1', 11: '01ae0361-7d17-4760-a2c8-23977a46fb78', 12: '01fb228a-9d28-4cde-932c-59b933fa763b', 13: '023598b8-09e2-40ed-9c90-34d607094ff9', 14: '02405d93-9c33-4034-894a-b9523956a3ad', 15: '0254b59f-082d-4a5a-913d-4f2bba267768', 16: '02d8dba0-5d12-4983-a407-63fab9757d94', 17: '0378e9e1-0ad8-4a26-8190-ebb3370239d3', 18: '041deef8-b242-4114-afd0-e584784ec9f0', 19: '0429608e-61f3-4df0-ba45-3633029a14db', 20: '04389894-b52c-4485-9266-435e9b9c0efd', 21: '0441f866-dd3f-422a-a36a-cdc2f034e6ef', 22: '04797f05-9cbe-48b6-8662-b9ee20828b0a', 23: '0482e1ab-b513-4bfb-9914-9fb5ab41c915', 24: '04ca737b-85f4-4194-8c38-d8d363b490f7', 25: '056f771f-e5ba-483f-a074-db2d7b94309d', 26: '05aec9ea-92c1-4ffc-84b5-c3864dd307e4', 27: '05c41c49-8521-4ad0-a1b5-724e99fe46ff', 28: '05d08d6d-62d5-4e28-8f10-107ae2cd03c7', 29: '05e8721a-cbb7-4c13-a115-eac7dd5ee7f6', 30: '06234d6f-8729-49d3-a39e-6bba740847e3', 31: '068ad376-b5c2-4825-afc0-2be657e1f4df', 32: '06a18971-a97b-48a4-bda6-3881960e3796', 33: '06a8681a-7de2-4053-8462-29df2b1e8aab', 34: '06aa1cc0-4366-4558-b74c-24bb797cff0b', 35: '06cf79f4-ac53-4b72-8736-829b8c63c7df', 36: '06da5468-c366-4388-b0ac-f84ea36949e0', 37: '07476cb4-247d-4fe2-b830-a399717bd07e', 38: '076b9eb7-a7c3-4319-a830-eb3344d88b6e', 39: '0771c92b-2ec8-463d-99fc-d4c31b7264b1', 40: '07760e06-0ff5-4f4b-a483-eaa46e504aca', 41: '0789f648-70fa-4711-8d1c-62ddde084aff', 42: '07cc1e2c-b5cc-4daf-95f2-2326021e7d52', 43: '081372d5-a1a8-4819-9bf1-911d4855360c', 44: '082ad0da-546b-4c00-b2f8-e21a5113e66a', 45: '083e3bbf-abe4-418c-8b17-7ac77b436ab1', 46: '0846d988-4b9e-4593-857b-594dabb8d5bb', 47: '084e8dc0-94df-4321-bbde-dc521b5c58d9', 48: '089cd63a-f7e2-4381-a864-b4378334885f', 49: '0928d4d2-9012-4806-99f7-06672ede99af', 50: '09347a02-3824-481b-a9aa-706047b3fcb0', 51: '097b056d-bad3-4fd0-a304-2c1a74bfc64e', 52: '099e073f-e629-4ba2-9979-47a8f117b771', 53: '0a046b08-1ed1-4ff6-b64c-176d1472dc9b', 54: '0a33a6d3-85ba-4120-88a6-63ce94df559d', 55: '0a8bcbfc-d71b-4407-8df3-d4d9a85b6fd5', 56: '0aa54825-7375-4b19-8622-d5e8ce41b73e', 57: '0b14202a-919f-4d9c-915c-82d0d4c13500', 58: '0b4a71b1-b264-4bc3-8ca3-d8c893e009ef', 59: '0bac51ca-724a-4e21-bd2e-2ccb9e426d76', 60: '0bece189-a24f-4dcf-888e-583381a26383', 61: '0bf24554-eac9-423d-8dc0-349e9629f422', 62: '0c1e88c0-dde5-400a-83fb-3b60f86ef62c', 63: '0c8fbfbf-38e6-4639-8aff-26f3dbd4492b', 64: '0cb5db50-1ded-4f68-8574-30b94677e4b8', 65: '0d16721b-99cc-4fda-8285-dc0675b93c26', 66: '0d4e8d25-6432-494d-9d25-616d165bdfa7', 67: '0d90321b-e549-4ceb-bc37-e8248a462863', 68: '0d92256f-4380-49c2-91d8-dab758556fe1', 69: '0db7af3c-1601-4cc5-b68d-7715927c6ce4', 70: '0dbb0270-1caf-420a-829f-ff1770ac865b', 71: '0dd20a2e-cb05-46c7-b14a-2e4a54d3dca3', 72: '0dd3a053-0fd2-4761-b588-ecfb2dc85983', 73: '0debfe68-f334-448e-8408-b2147eabac36', 74: '0e02cc50-6226-459c-8cf4-f727a2ab23ad', 75: '0e07be6f-4a36-4f75-98e7-460c4d2b740a', 76: '0e0b6077-26cb-4d81-908c-61d149c3af4a', 77: '0e79d58c-cf48-4635-ad09-324373a02b72', 78: '0e83486b-16ce-4565-9d08-16ebdb8e02e6', 79: '0e857013-279a-46cd-80e3-95e87b4ceb45', 80: '0ef8f17a-3710-4eca-a81f-9184202f6921', 81: '0f410c84-05f3-450c-8fdf-e514cece69e5', 82: '0f618ad1-8b42-4b89-9bac-e42e6c56d4bf', 83: '0f7c85ed-9ddc-4b4f-abdd-40aa5deda4a3', 84: '0f849a72-a35c-466a-845e-1fe31894e2ab', 85: '0faba4df-7bea-470a-8100-27b8aa7d7190', 86: '0fba2e02-2be7-4481-b3f0-cdf9d4529e1c', 87: '0fc9978b-273f-4ba0-8e27-5d60efb9af3b', 88: '0fe1e1f1-f3c7-4bd8-8f1d-33bf3c216d7f', 89: '0ffe21ef-31b3-43f4-97fe-22cb7e77f6a0', 90: '100ca263-d877-4fc2-91ba-c860ab59b4ad', 91: '1013d42e-cc4a-4bc1-9994-69ec076f9ae7', 92: '104dfffd-4431-44fd-96a9-579b47709989', 93: '109bf72e-9672-4588-b4d6-a042e6c42cc2', 94: '10d1b412-39dd-488e-b51c-da566e9edc17', 95: '113f979a-b4aa-47fb-ab14-b2ebb211ed40', 96: '1141b1f9-4e20-4b4f-a0c2-8f7e6bc2b6bd', 97: '114e067e-2f09-452c-a293-859cb8303326', 98: '114f097c-92fd-49ce-81bf-e1bdc79d2331', 99: '11b9794f-1c03-42f3-835b-a186246972e5'}, 'utm_source': {0: 'google', 1: 'facebook', 2: 'twitter', 3: 'google', 4: 'facebook', 5: 'facebook', 6: 'google', 7: 'google', 8: 'email', 9: 'email', 10: 'google', 11: 'facebook', 12: 'email', 13: 'google', 14: 'twitter', 15: 'google', 16: 'google', 17: 'facebook', 18: 'google', 19: 'google', 20: 'email', 21: 'google', 22: 'google', 23: 'twitter', 24: 'google', 25: 'google', 26: 'facebook', 27: 'facebook', 28: 'facebook', 29: 'email', 30: 'facebook', 31: 'email', 32: 'google', 33: 'facebook', 34: 'email', 35: 'google', 36: 'google', 37: 'twitter', 38: 'google', 39: 'google', 40: 'email', 41: 'google', 42: 'google', 43: 'twitter', 44: 'facebook', 45: 'google', 46: 'google', 47: 'facebook', 48: 'facebook', 49: 'google', 50: 'facebook', 51: 'google', 52: 'facebook', 53: 'facebook', 54: 'facebook', 55: 'facebook', 56: 'twitter', 57: 'google', 58: 'email', 59: 'email', 60: 'google', 61: 'facebook', 62: 'google', 63: 'google', 64: 'facebook', 65: 'google', 66: 'google', 67: 'google', 68: 'facebook', 69: 'facebook', 70: 'twitter', 71: 'twitter', 72: 'email', 73: 'google', 74: 'google', 75: 'facebook', 76: 'facebook', 77: 'email', 78: 'google', 79: 'google', 80: 'twitter', 81: 'facebook', 82: 'facebook', 83: 'facebook', 84: 'email', 85: 'google', 86: 'twitter', 87: 'facebook', 88: 'facebook', 89: 'facebook', 90: 'google', 91: 'google', 92: 'google', 93: 'google', 94: 'facebook', 95: 'facebook', 96: 'twitter', 97: 'email', 98: 'email', 99: 'google'}, 'day': {0: '6 - Saturday', 1: '7 - Sunday', 2: '2 - Tuesday', 3: '2 - Tuesday', 4: '7 - Sunday', 5: '1 - Monday', 6: '4 - Thursday', 7: '3 - Wednesday', 8: '1 - Monday', 9: '2 - Tuesday', 10: '3 - Wednesday', 11: '4 - Thursday', 12: '7 - Sunday', 13: '2 - Tuesday', 14: '2 - Tuesday', 15: '5 - Friday', 16: '3 - Wednesday', 17: '1 - Monday', 18: '3 - Wednesday', 19: '7 - Sunday', 20: '1 - Monday', 21: '7 - Sunday', 22: '6 - Saturday', 23: '6 - Saturday', 24: '2 - Tuesday', 25: '4 - Thursday', 26: '5 - Friday', 27: '7 - Sunday', 28: '2 - Tuesday', 29: '5 - Friday', 30: '6 - Saturday', 31: '3 - Wednesday', 32: '4 - Thursday', 33: '7 - Sunday', 34: '4 - Thursday', 35: '6 - Saturday', 36: '5 - Friday', 37: '7 - Sunday', 38: '5 - Friday', 39: '7 - Sunday', 40: '3 - Wednesday', 41: '1 - Monday', 42: '4 - Thursday', 43: '7 - Sunday', 44: '2 - Tuesday', 45: '2 - Tuesday', 46: '4 - Thursday', 47: '2 - Tuesday', 48: '7 - Sunday', 49: '3 - Wednesday', 50: '4 - Thursday', 51: '1 - Monday', 52: '2 - Tuesday', 53: '1 - Monday', 54: '4 - Thursday', 55: '3 - Wednesday', 56: '4 - Thursday', 57: '1 - Monday', 58: '5 - Friday', 59: '7 - Sunday', 60: '4 - Thursday', 61: '1 - Monday', 62: '1 - Monday', 63: '4 - Thursday', 64: '2 - Tuesday', 65: '4 - Thursday', 66: '7 - Sunday', 67: '6 - Saturday', 68: '1 - Monday', 69: '4 - Thursday', 70: '3 - Wednesday', 71: '3 - Wednesday', 72: '6 - Saturday', 73: '6 - Saturday', 74: '3 - Wednesday', 75: '3 - Wednesday', 76: '3 - Wednesday', 77: '2 - Tuesday', 78: '2 - Tuesday', 79: '7 - Sunday', 80: '1 - Monday', 81: '6 - Saturday', 82: '1 - Monday', 83: '3 - Wednesday', 84: '3 - Wednesday', 85: '2 - Tuesday', 86: '1 - Monday', 87: '1 - Monday', 88: '2 - Tuesday', 89: '5 - Friday', 90: '5 - Friday', 91: '6 - Saturday', 92: '7 - Sunday', 93: '3 - Wednesday', 94: '4 - Thursday', 95: '5 - Friday', 96: '2 - Tuesday', 97: '1 - Monday', 98: '5 - Friday', 99: '5 - Friday'}, 'ad_click_timestamp': {0: '7:18', 1: None, 2: None, 3: None, 4: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 8: '18:33', 9: '15:21', 10: None, 11: '7:11', 12: None, 13: None, 14: None, 15: None, 16: None, 17: None, 18: '10:54', 19: None, 20: None, 21: '11:16', 22: None, 23: '1:20', 24: None, 25: None, 26: '8:46', 27: None, 28: None, 29: None, 30: None, 31: None, 32: None, 33: '9:2', 34: None, 35: None, 36: None, 37: None, 38: None, 39: None, 40: None, 41: None, 42: None, 43: None, 44: None, 45: '3:21', 46: None, 47: None, 48: None, 49: None, 50: '16:52', 51: None, 52: None, 53: None, 54: None, 55: None, 56: '10:21', 57: None, 58: None, 59: None, 60: None, 61: '2:2', 62: None, 63: '12:23', 64: '4:8', 65: '5:27', 66: None, 67: None, 68: None, 69: None, 70: '13:46', 71: '10:24', 72: None, 73: None, 74: None, 75: None, 76: None, 77: None, 78: None, 79: '1:49', 80: None, 81: None, 82: None, 83: None, 84: None, 85: None, 86: None, 87: None, 88: None, 89: None, 90: None, 91: '5:1', 92: '10:14', 93: '21:18', 94: '17:44', 95: None, 96: None, 97: None, 98: None, 99: '19:30'}, 'experimental_group': {0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'A', 3: 'B', 4: 'B', 5: 'A', 6: 'A', 7: 'A', 8: 'A', 9: 'B', 10: 'B', 11: 'B', 12: 'A', 13: 'B', 14: 'A', 15: 'A', 16: 'B', 17: 'B', 18: 'A', 19: 'B', 20: 'B', 21: 'A', 22: 'B', 23: 'A', 24: 'B', 25: 'A', 26: 'B', 27: 'B', 28: 'A', 29: 'B', 30: 'A', 31: 'B', 32: 'B', 33: 'A', 34: 'A', 35: 'B', 36: 'B', 37: 'B', 38: 'A', 39: 'B', 40: 'B', 41: 'A', 42: 'B', 43: 'B', 44: 'A', 45: 'B', 46: 'B', 47: 'A', 48: 'B', 49: 'B', 50: 'A', 51: 'B', 52: 'B', 53: 'A', 54: 'B', 55: 'B', 56: 'A', 57: 'B', 58: 'A', 59: 'B', 60: 'A', 61: 'A', 62: 'B', 63: 'A', 64: 'A', 65: 'A', 66: 'B', 67: 'A', 68: 'B', 69: 'A', 70: 'A', 71: 'B', 72: 'B', 73: 'A', 74: 'A', 75: 'B', 76: 'A', 77: 'B', 78: 'A', 79: 'B', 80: 'A', 81: 'A', 82: 'B', 83: 'B', 84: 'A', 85: 'A', 86: 'B', 87: 'B', 88: 'A', 89: 'A', 90: 'B', 91: 'A', 92: 'A', 93: 'A', 94: 'A', 95: 'A', 96: 'B', 97: 'A', 98: 'A', 99: 'A'}} )
## user_id ... experimental_group
## 0 008b7c6c-7272-471e-b90e-930d548bd8d7 ... A
## 1 009abb94-5e14-4b6c-bb1c-4f4df7aa7557 ... B
## 2 00f5d532-ed58-4570-b6d2-768df5f41aed ... A
## 3 011adc64-0f44-4fd9-a0bb-f1506d2ad439 ... B
## 4 012137e6-7ae7-4649-af68-205b4702169c ... B
## [5 rows x 5 columns]
## user_id day ad_click_timestamp experimental_group
## utm_source
## email 15 15 2 15
## facebook 32 32 7 32
## google 42 42 11 42
## twitter 11 11 4 11
ad_clicks['is_clicked'] = ad_clicks.ad_click_timestamp.notnull()
## user_id ... is_clicked
## 0 008b7c6c-7272-471e-b90e-930d548bd8d7 ... True
## 1 009abb94-5e14-4b6c-bb1c-4f4df7aa7557 ... False
## 2 00f5d532-ed58-4570-b6d2-768df5f41aed ... False
## 3 011adc64-0f44-4fd9-a0bb-f1506d2ad439 ... False
## 4 012137e6-7ae7-4649-af68-205b4702169c ... False
## [5 rows x 6 columns]
## user_id ... is_clicked
## 0 008b7c6c-7272-471e-b90e-930d548bd8d7 ... True
## 1 009abb94-5e14-4b6c-bb1c-4f4df7aa7557 ... False
## 2 00f5d532-ed58-4570-b6d2-768df5f41aed ... False
## 3 011adc64-0f44-4fd9-a0bb-f1506d2ad439 ... False
## 4 012137e6-7ae7-4649-af68-205b4702169c ... False
## [5 rows x 6 columns]
clicks_by_source = ad_clicks.groupby(['utm_source', 'is_clicked']).user_id.count().reset_index()
## utm_source is_clicked user_id
## 0 email False 13
## 1 email True 2
## 2 facebook False 25
## 3 facebook True 7
## 4 google False 31
## 5 google True 11
## 6 twitter False 7
## 7 twitter True 4
clicks_pivot = clicks_by_source.pivot(
columns = 'is_clicked',
index = 'utm_source',
values = 'user_id').reset_index()
## is_clicked utm_source False True
## 0 email 13 2
## 1 facebook 25 7
## 2 google 31 11
## 3 twitter 7 4
note: no quotation marks around True and False
clicks_pivot['percent_clicked'] = clicks_pivot[True] / (clicks_pivot[True] + clicks_pivot[False])
## is_clicked utm_source False True percent_clicked
## 0 email 13 2 0.133333
## 1 facebook 25 7 0.218750
## 2 google 31 11 0.261905
## 3 twitter 7 4 0.363636
clicks_by_ad = ad_clicks.groupby(['experimental_group', 'is_clicked']).user_id.count().reset_index()
## experimental_group is_clicked user_id
## 0 A False 33
## 1 A True 18
## 2 B False 43
## 3 B True 6
clicks_pivot_ad = clicks_by_ad.pivot(
columns = 'is_clicked',
index = 'experimental_group',
values = 'user_id').reset_index()
clicks_pivot_ad['percent_clicked'] = clicks_pivot_ad[True] / (clicks_pivot_ad[True] + clicks_pivot_ad[False])
## is_clicked experimental_group False True percent_clicked
## 0 A 33 18 0.352941
## 1 B 43 6 0.122449
a_clicks = ad_clicks[ad_clicks.experimental_group == 'A']
b_clicks = ad_clicks[ad_clicks.experimental_group == 'B']
a_clicks_by_day = a_clicks.groupby(['day', 'is_clicked']).user_id.count().reset_index()
a_clicks_pivot_by_day = a_clicks_by_day.pivot(
columns = 'is_clicked',
index = 'day',
values = 'user_id').reset_index()
a_clicks_pivot_by_day['percent_clicked'] = a_clicks_pivot_by_day[True] / (a_clicks_pivot_by_day[True] + a_clicks_pivot_by_day[False])
## is_clicked day False True percent_clicked
## 0 1 - Monday 5 2 0.285714
## 1 2 - Tuesday 8 1 0.111111
## 2 3 - Wednesday 4 3 0.428571
## 3 4 - Thursday 5 5 0.500000
## 4 5 - Friday 6 1 0.142857
## 5 6 - Saturday 4 3 0.428571
## 6 7 - Sunday 1 3 0.750000
b_clicks_by_day = b_clicks.groupby(['day', 'is_clicked']).user_id.count().reset_index()
b_clicks_pivot_by_day = b_clicks_by_day.pivot(
columns = 'is_clicked',
index = 'day',
values = 'user_id').reset_index()
b_clicks_pivot_by_day['percent_clicked'] = b_clicks_pivot_by_day[True] / (b_clicks_pivot_by_day[True] + b_clicks_pivot_by_day[False])
## is_clicked day False True percent_clicked
## 0 1 - Monday 9.0 NaN NaN
## 1 2 - Tuesday 6.0 2.0 0.250000
## 2 3 - Wednesday 8.0 1.0 0.111111
## 3 4 - Thursday 4.0 1.0 0.200000
## 4 5 - Friday 3.0 1.0 0.250000
## 5 6 - Saturday 3.0 NaN NaN
## 6 7 - Sunday 10.0 1.0 0.090909